
Tuesday 26 March 2019

Introduce this Health

Introduce this Health
We are learning about the 4 walls of Hauora

Hauora - Wellbeing
Hauora is a way of understanding the different dimensions. Each wall influencing and supporting the other.

Spiritual well being -
  • Your values and beliefs
  • The search for meaning and purpose in life
  • Personal Identity
  • Self Awareness
  • Traditions
  • Culture
  • Religion
  • Self-worth
  • Attitude
  • Motivation
  • Goals
  • What you believe in
  • The way you live
My self

I am always pushing myself to new things.
This year I am running the city to surf  and the mud-run
I know to only focus on myself so wouldn't mind
I was raised to put others first  
Always holding the door open
Don't care

Monday 25 March 2019

Which bird did you choose?
Describe stylisation and positive/negative space in work?
The line will lead to the bird
What ideas do you for your orphist circle layer?
I don't have any ideas

What colures have you chosen for your layers and why?
I choose red for my bird because it pops out

DNA Extraction

To extraction  DNA from the kiwi fruit

- Using a spatula, scoop 1/2 kiwifruit into the bag. Add 25ml water plus a pinch of salt
- Mush until a thick soup.
- Pour over cloth into a funnel into beaker
- Pour liquid into a test tube. Add dishwashing liquid and swirl. Allow sitting for 5 mins
- Tilt test tube on a 45-degree angle and slowly pour 10ml of ethanol down the side
- Allow sitting

Results- When we add the ethanol it started to separate it.

Water helped break kiwifruit apart.
Salt help climb the DNA
Ethanol helped to see it as it sits on top


Child Slavery Paragraph

We don't need slaves in our world but people benefit from them. Children have lost their education, they have lost their rights and they have lost their freedom. Children are most liked by masters because they cost less and give less resistance. 
Most families with people that are involved with forced labour are poor and live in poverty.  Example of the countries that live like this are Somalia, Sudan, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Most children are bought by owners of Mines, carpet factories and brick kilns. As previously stated they don't get paid very much if at all. Why did people decide that slavery was a good idea when it has to lead to so many issues now.

Reflection Post - The Narrative

Something new
Something new I learnt was  Protagonist and Antagonist, a protagonist is a leading character or one of the major characters in a play, film, novel. The antagonist is An antagonist is a character in a story who is against the protagonist usually the villain. 

Something I liked 
Setting It Up for this exercise, we used different settings and wrote 3 short, opening descriptions that show the reader when and where the action is taking place. I like this activity because we got to write about what we wanted to.

Which styles of learning work best for you.
I like working in groups and find easy when work is set between the group, But I work better alone. I find work easy when it is digital.

Character- Create a protagonist

My name is: Hen
The name I like to be called is: Henry
My birthday is: Yesterday
I live in The USA
The people in my family are: Jackson who like lightbulbs
I live with: Jackson
My interests include: lightbulb
Usually at the weekend I: Ride sheep
A dream/goal I have is: Win the sheep riding championship
Words that describe me are: Trailer park
My worst fear is: Power out

Child Labour Map

In Social Studies we are studying about human  rights
At the moment we are studying child labour/slave.
Here is a map to the top ten children labour/slave countries
Done with conner

Link to map

Friday 22 March 2019

Fortnite hack- Free v-bucks ( not clickbait )

This term we have been working the study of people's efficiency in their working environment, Smart media and Interlard.

I liked the study of Ergonomics. I found fascinating how important sitting upright was for your back.
Smart media 
For this lesson, we went on Interland and played a game 
Here are the levels from the game 

Reality River

It’s important to help kids become aware that people and situations online aren’t always as they seem. Discerning between what’s real and what’s fake is a very real lesson in online safety.

Mindful Mountain

Good (and bad) news travels fast online, and without some forethought, kids can find themselves in tricky situations that have lasting consequences. The solve? Learning how to share with those they know and those they don’t.

Tower of Treasure

Personal privacy and security are just as important online as they are offline. Safeguarding valuable information helps kids avoid damaging their devices, reputations, and relationships.

Kind kingdom

The Internet is a powerful amplifier that can be used to spread positivity or negativity. Kids can take the high road by applying the concept of “treat others as you would like to be treated” to their actions online, creating a positive impact for others and disempowering bullying behaviour.

Later on in the term, we did some more work on smart media. This time we also had a look at common sense youtube channel 


What was your biggest takeaway from this video?
Those hobbies can be a job as well
What part of this video struck you the most?
That kids as young as 11 were making thousands of dollars.

Gender and the Media

What was your biggest takeaway from this video?
That ever where we look the media is feeding us with what we should wear and look like.
What part of this video struck you the most?
That the media is everywhere

Internet Hoaxes

What was your biggest takeaway from this video?
That a lot of news site post fake news
What part of this video struck you the most?
That people waste their time to make up fake news


Tuesday 19 March 2019

Alan G MacDiarmid

Who is Alan Graham MacDiarmid

Alan Graham MacDiarmid was a New Zealand-born American chemist, and one of three recipients of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 2000. Died in 2007

What did he do

He studied in the field of Chemistry. His best-known research was the discovery of conductive polymers were he worked alongside with the Japanese chemist Hideki Shirakawa and the American physicist Alan Heeger. They published the first results in 1977. This work also got him a Nobel Prize 

Thursday 14 March 2019

Show don"t tell

Show don"t tell 

What does “show don’t tell” means?
When you write about something without saying what it is by using
How can we re-write these sentences to “show” and not “tell”?
1. Sarah was really upset - Sarah was yelling and swearing
2. She was so happy to see him - She was smiling joyfully to see him.
3, The lake was beautiful - The lake simmered bright

Tuesday 5 March 2019

Harriet Tubman

Who was Harriet Tubman?
Born into slavery in Maryland in the 1820s, Harriet Tubman escaped to freedom in the North in 1849 to become the most famous "conductor" on the Underground Railroad. After she escaped she risked her life to lead hundreds of other slaves including her family the plantation system to freedom on this secret network called The Underground Railroad. She died in her 90s.

Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad?
Harriet Tubman formed the Underground Railroad in the early 19 century it
reached its height in 1850 to 1860. It is believed that between 1810 and 1860
the Underground Railroad saved 100,000 slaves. A majority of them came
from upper south states. The Underground Railroad was not underground
or a Railroad it was a network of secret paths.
They used codes to keep the Underground  Railroad a secret.Image result for the underground railroad
  • Agent  - Coordinator, who plotted courses of escape and made contacts
  • Baggage - Fugitive slaves carried by Underground Railroad workers.
  • Bundles of wood - Fugitives that were expected.
  • Canaan - Canada
  • Conductor - A person who directly transported slaves
  • Drinking Gourd -  The Big Dipper and the North Star
  • Flying bondsmen - The number of escaping slaves
  • River Jordan -  Ohio River
  • Station - Place of safety and temporary refuge, a safe house
  • Stationmaster - Keeper or owner of a safe house