
Thursday 6 December 2018

Passion projects blog

Passion projects blog

I choose this project because it interested me 
During the last weeks we have been planning/making a Augmented reality Sandbox which would look like the picture below when done

Image result for ar sandbox

For the past 4 weeks we have been constructing a Augmented reality sandbox. We have been making it for our passion project . In one of the photo is the digital group learning how to set up an augmented reality system.I am part of the team that is building the box . We have our admins working hard on having it working for later on today

I think we took to long on the planning and that is why we only finished one table on time.
I think every body gained some team working skills while working on this project.

Our laptop did not have the power to run the program so it did not work, next time we will get as high power laptop.

Tuesday 20 November 2018

Giant earthworm

Giant earthworm 

The giant  earthworm, Megalopolises Australia, is one of Australia's 1,000 native earthworm species. It is also commonly known as karma, taken from the Bungler language.  Giant earthworms average 1 metre long and 2 centimetres. They weigh on average 300 grams 

They live in the blue, grey or red clay soils along stream banks and some south- or west-facing hills of their remaining habitat which is in Victoria, Australia. These worms live in deep burrow systems and require water in their environment to respire.
Unlike most earthworms which deposit castings on the surface, they spend almost all their time in burrows about 52 centimetres (20 in) in depth and deposit their castings there and can generally only be flushed out by heavy rain. They are usually very sluggish, but when they move rapidly through their underground burrows, it can cause an audible gurgling or sucking sound which allows them to be detected.

 Giant earthworm colonies are small and isolated and the species' low reproductive rates and slow maturation make those small populations vulnerable. Their natural habitats are grasslands, and while they can survive beneath pastures, cultivation, heavy cattle grazing and effluent run-off are adversarial to the species. The Giant earthworm requires moist loamy soil to thrive; dense tree planting negatively affects soil humidity, which in turn negatively affects the species' habitat. No successful breeding has yet been achieved in captivity.

Thursday 18 October 2018

Video games do not cause violent behaviour

I think video games do not cause violent behaviour. There is no scientific or research supporting the idea that playing video games even bloody, realistic shooters leads to real-life acts of brutality.

I think that games improve people reflex speeds and adaptations speeds and skills. I believe that violence is not something that you can pick up your be teched, but it is something we are born with and learn to control over time. Gaming may cause you to rage sometimes but it doesn't make you violent if anything gaming helps you control the way we respond to things like dying in your game you're losing your game data.

Evidence shows that video gaming can affect the brain and can cause changes in many parts of the brain. Game addicts have functional and structural changes in the neural reward system. For example, video game use is known to affect attention

Young people react differently to violence and may become violent due to their young minds that are not fully developed. This is why games have age restrictions. Young gamers may develop violent behaviour later in life due to the lack of social interaction.

Thursday 20 September 2018

Know your rights

Webquest - Rights of Consumers and Responsibilities of Producers

What is the Fair Trading Act?   How does it affect me?


  1. What is the Fair Trading Act?
The Fair Trading Act is a statute of New Zealand.
It has a purpose is to protect consumers from misleading and deceptive conduct and unfair trades.

  1. Who besides the commission is responsible for the act and can take their own legal action? You can take your own legal actions

  1. Who are the two types of groups the act applies to? The act applies to the Consumers and Producers

Understand your compliance obligations

  1. What do the acts apply to? The act applies to Everyone.

  1. Does it only apply if you intend to deceive?  Explain?

  1. Whose ‘shoes’ must the business put themselves into?
The business must put then self in The consumers/the product buyer shoes.  

  1. What is the commission empowered to do? Give an instruction, command or duty given to a person or group of people.

Tuesday 28 August 2018

Keeping cows cool

Keeping cow cool
The last two weeks I and my few of my mates have been working on a solution for keeping cow cool 

Dairy cows feel hot much sooner than we do because digesting grass and making milk crates a lot of heat when it’s above 23c and 80% humidity they can't lose that heat fast enough so they start to eat less and make less to stay a bot cooler. With so many/ cow so little trees it is tricky for farmers to keep all
their cows cool enough so that feed intake and milk production isn't reduced.
Here the outcome 

I learned that eating grass in hard 
I like the new learning experience
But next time we could be more ready to present our work 


How many Liters of milk does a cow produce per day?

Monday 20 August 2018

Ta moko and māori

Ta Moko and māori tattoo

Did I enjoy making this
No, because it took lots of attempts to make. But I did enjoy the new learning tasks 

Hoover Dam

The Hoover Dam  

The Hoover Dam, which was built on the Colorado river, holds in the largest reservoir in the united states, Lake Mead. Not only does the hoover dam provide water, but it's turbines also generate electricity

 They were given 7 years to fished it but it only took them 5 years to build it. 
It stands 221 meters tall 

The Hoover Dam was finished in five years, two years ahead of schedule and cost $49 million, which is worth $750 million today. 


Thursday 2 August 2018

What makes a catchy jingle

What makes a catchy jingle 

Use the Right Words- Using word the rhymes or fir in 
Keep it Simple- Keep it easy 
Make it Easy to Sing- Words that are not to hard to sing or remember 
Use Figures of Speech- Add Puns to  make it fun 
Make sure it repeats 
Good editing
Puting someone famous in it 

Here are some jingles

How does this show my learning
It shows that I have done my work about making catchy jingles 

Tuesday 31 July 2018




Image result for hazard sign

What is a hazard?
A hazard is something that puts people in danger.
 A hazard sign is a yellow triangle

Image result for Mandatory sign?

What is a Mandatory sign?
If you see a Mandatory sign you must do what it reads before entering 
If you were to see this sign you must be wearing Ear protection before you enter the zone. 
Mandatory signs generally use a white safety symbol on a blue background. 

Prohibitive signs
Image result for What is a Prohibitive sign?What is a Prohibitive sign 
A prohibitive tells us not to do things that could endanger our health and safety.  Prohibition safety signs generally use a black safety symbol in a red circle with a diagonal cross through.

Friday 22 June 2018

Curiosity / Elephant


Elephants are the world's largest land animals now living. The largest elephant ever recorded was shot in Angola in 1956. This male weighed about 11,000 kg, with a shoulder height of 3.96 meters, a meter taller than the average male African elephant.

How many species of elephants are there 
-It is estimated that there were once more than 350 species of elephants in the world. Today we only have two of them left the Asian and the Africa species. The African elephant is the largest of the two species left in the world. They have extremely large ears and both the males and the females grow tusks.

Friday 15 June 2018

Curiosity/ blue whale

The blue whale  

The blue whale is a marine mammal belonging to the suborder of baleen whales. At 30 meters in length and 180 metric tons, it is the largest known animal to have ever existed.

How many blue whales are left?
    A 2002 report estimated there were 5,000 to 12,000 blue whales worldwide. The IUCN( International Union for Conservation of Nature )  estimates that there are probably between 10,000 and 25,000 blue whales worldwide today. Before whaling, the largest population was in the Antarctic, numbering approximately 239,000 (range 202,000 to 311,000).

How much dose there meat sell for 
    As of 2006, in Japan, 5,560 tons of whale meat worth ¥5.5 billion is sold in every year( $71,341,574.55 )

Curiosty- Sirius B

Sirius B is a star and one of the brightest star in the Earth's night sky. With a visual apparent magnitude of −1.46, it is almost twice as bright as Canopus, the next brightest star. The system has the Bayer designation Alpha Canis Majoris
Sirius B is a white dwarf star. 
It's barely bigger than earth. It is usually hard to see because it is hidden by Sirius A's brighter light. Sirius B is known as the pub

Where is Sirius B located 
Its Coordinates are RA 6h 45m 9s | Dec -16° 42′ 58″

How hot is the star
Its surface temperature is 9,940 K 


The Japanese spider crab is the largest arthropod. However not all Japanese spider crabs get to grow this big. Some only get to grow one meter across. Sadly their number are declining because fishermen fish them for their meat.

What is a arthropod 
A arthropod is an invertebrate (no spine) animal of the large phylum Arthropods, such as an insect, spider, or crustacean. 

Where do Japaneses spider crabs live 
This giant crab can be found In Suruga Bay off of the coast of Japan. 

Thursday 31 May 2018

100 Words

What's that noise outside? I creep to my window I sleep on the top floor so I had nothing to worry about, at least that is what I thought.
A black shadow from under me rises up before I could scream It grabbed's me. I was too frightened
to scream. I was shaking hard. My hairs standing taller than the shadow. Was this the end for me?
If you are reading this I am most likely dead do not come looking for me. These beasts stand 100
meters tall. This is a warning to all the end is coming.
Image result for bfg dark shadow

Tuesday 22 May 2018

Flying house

The house shakes with fear. The ground tears up ripping my house from the ground. I am in fear. I look outside to see that I am not the flying house being held down by power lines. What was happening? Did gravity just disappear no impossible I think to myself?  I turn on the television to my surprise it works I flip on the news. There was a tear in the ozone sucking everything up in three hours all the oxygen would be gone. We had to hope for the best that it would heal fast enough. But what would happen if it did my house and others would go crashing down right? I was not too sure at the time, But I was sure that anyone outside was probably sucked in to out space. 

Me = Japanese

Hi my name is Bradley. I like sport and gaming. I play game like fortnite and call of duty and sports like rugby or basketball.

I am fourteen, I have blue eyes brown hair and i am six foot one. I have five brothers. My brith day is in the 24 of may  


