
Friday 31 May 2019

Making Salts 2

Aim: To produce copper sulphate salt by reaching copper plus a with an acid.

1. Add 20ml of sulfuric acid to a 100ml Brauer. Heat the acid until it reaches 70°c. Turn off your bunsen burner.
2. Once heated, use a spatula to add pea-sized portions or copper oxide to the basket. Stir the mixture for 30 seconds.
3. Repeat step 2 until no more will dissolve. Allow the beaker to cool.
4. Fold the filter paper and place it in the funnel. Place the filter funnel into the second Beaker.
5. Make sure the Beaker is cool enough to hold at the top. The contents should still be hot.
6. Gently swirl the contents of the Beaker to mix, and then pour into the filter paper in the funnel. Allow filtering through.
7. Rinse the Beaker you used to heat the mixture previously, and place it back on top of your tripod filled with 50-60ml of water. 
8. Place the evaporating basin on top of the Beaker and carefully pour some of the solutions from the Beaker into the evaporating basin.
9. Gently heat the Beaker until the solution in the evaporating basin has reduced by half.
10. leave the evaporating basin to cool. Once cool, move the evaporating basin to a warm place where it will no be disturbed (I.e a window-sill) and observe over the next few days. Blue copper sulphate crystals should form.


We mix everything like we were told to and ours came out as the best in the class with very good results.

DTE Term 2 ( unfinished )

In DTE this term we have been playing around with Speros, I now know how to code with blocks. As a class, we learned how to code two games (hot potato and the toss game) using tutorial of the Spero cite before had to go and code our own game. We needed to include the basic type of coding blocks (i.e. Lights, sound, & movement) but we definitely needed to include four of the following: Controls, comparators, variables, operators, and sensor

I've been working on a game that requires a steady hand and forces to win. If the accelerometer goes over 1.5 the player with the ball eliminated for the game. My game still needs much work completed.  When building this game I started with the hot potato game and modified it with the needs it needed for my game.

Monday 27 May 2019

Making Indicators

  • Aim: To make acid-base indicators using everyday substances. 
  • Method for Beetroot 
1. Chop The beetroot into small pieces until you have enough to fill 2 cubs 
2. Place beetroot in a large beaker and add water to cover it 
3. Boil over a Bunsen burner for at least ten min for colour out of the cabbage
4. Filter out the plant material to obtain a red-purple-bluish coloured liquid. This liquid is at about pH 7
5. Place in a small beaker and leave to one side

  • Beetroot, a beaker, water, tripod, Bunsen burner, Gansen mat, 

Results                   Acid                  Base
Beetroot                Yellow               Yellow
Cabbage                Red, pink          Green 
Tea                        Yellow               Yellow
Tumeric                 Yellow               Red 
Cranberry              Yellow               Green

Discussion:  We went through the process of adding different chemicals to our everyday substance indicators and each chemical changed to show us if it was a strong base, weak base or strong acid and weak acid by colour changing.

Conclusion: We made our indicators to show what chemicals are acids and bases. I think that beetroot worked better.

The power of one: SEXXY Paragraphs 2

The director uses close-up shots in the film, For example in this scene we can see Sergeant Bormann questioning Gell Piet against a stone wall with his baton, it is also night this adds an effect to the scene. The purpose of this was to add a level of intensity to the scene and also shows how miss treated people where. This scene makes the audience feel sad and sorry for Geel Piet also a little scared. This scene can be compared to an earlier scene where Geel Piet was also threatened by Sergeant Bormann. Go to the last post for more depth on that scene.

Wednesday 22 May 2019

The Power of one

A long shot can be used to introduce the scene. In this scene, we can see an officer with a baton by his side in the foreground while seeing Geel Piet, doc and Pk standing in the doorway as well as some other blacks in the background. The director's purpose of this shot is to show that the guard does not like Geel Piet and the others. This scene has an effect on the audience, it makes them feel sorry and a little scared for Geel Piet. We can link this to another scene in the movie where Sgt, Botha raids the boxing gym and beats up Pk trainer, this scene also makes us feel scared

Unfinished Draft

When I was a young boy, I was full of hope but over the years London broke me. It was overcrowded and polluted.  My parents left me when I was six. I grew up in a foster home close to the ports. Every morning for ten years, I woke to the smell of fish. On my 16 birthday was the first time in years hope ran through my body. A poster, It promised a new beginning in a land with jobs to be filled, it sounded like paradise. I was still too young and poor to move from home. I did some maths, I need to earn 10 pounds a week for two years to afford a ticket. But Jobs were hard to find. While I was job searching I met a man by the name of Groot. Groot had a rough character, he was a little older than me.

We spent weeks looking for jobs together. During this time we both learnt a lot about each other. Groot was homeless for most of his life, he too had lost his parents at a young age. He taught me how to live off the streets. Every Sunday night we would sneak into gated communities, The wealthy would throw out all kinds of things. Every night we would commit a new crime. It wasn't long before I had more than enough money to leave. But I was hooked, over the next two years I built up an underground crime ring, I had money by the bucky load.

Everybody knew my name, I made most my money through smaller crimes lending loans or robbing
the rich. I had something big planned, one last hit on the bank of London then I would flee to the
paradise I was promised years ago.

Monday 20 May 2019

Model Atoms

 To make a model atom using classroom resources.

Plastic Beads
Blue Tac

-Choose any element  from 1-7 on the periodic table
- Get the right amount of beads with a different colour. They represented the Neutrons & Protons
- Attach the neutrons and proton beads to the blue tac (the right amount for what element you have chosen)
- Attach that to the string, MAKE SURE IT STAYS ON
- Get your piece of paper, cut the need doughnut-shaped (KNOWN AS THE OUTER SHELL) pieces out, if there is two cut one big and one small enough to fit inside the big one.
- Draw how many electrons you need to in each circle for example, in the small circle of-Beryllium would need 2 and 2 in the bigger one.
- Tape your string that is attached to your beads, to the outer shells at the right height so your beads hang in the middle of the smallest shell.

I do not have a pic to show you, but I created the hydrogen atom. 
I think I was successful.